J Cole Influencing the Youth to Stay Away from Drugs with His Newest Album KOD by Geena DiRugeris

J Cole Influencing the Youth to Stay Away from Drugs with His Newest Album KOD by Geena DiRugeris

does j cole do drugs

Cole mentions his first experience with his friend’s pharmaceutical drugs as a way to numb the pain from the dangerous environment he once lived in. After listing off several types of addictions, which include fame, greed and substance abuse, he tells listeners to instead focus on feelings of love. This album reveals a lot of beliefs of J Cole that he puts in almost every song in the album. In the song “BRACKETS” the audience can try to understand J Cole’s messages to his audience. This song is about J Cole’s want to unite his audience against the government and new rapper styles.

Takeaways from J. Cole’s New Album, KOD

does j cole do drugs

Just as addiction is an overarching motif, there’s a theme here of J. Cole initiating necessary conversations without completely seeing them through. A decade of mixtapes, tours and airtight album rollouts have placed the Jay-Z neophyte at the head of the table.

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Lamar recalled the conversation he had with his father in an interview with SPIN’s Jessica Hopper. “My father said, ‘I don’t want you to be like me. Things I have done, mistakes I’ve made, I never want you to make those mistakes. You can wind up out on the corner.'” That advice, along with a bad trip he had as a teenager, is the reason he is sober today. “I don’t smoke, period.” Lamar told Complex magazine. It’s ironic that social media jerks tease Jermaine Cole with “J. Despite J. Cole being the first artist signed to the Roc Nation label, Jay-Z didn’t always believe in his protégé. In 2007, long before he had his own songs topping the chars, J.

  • Weed, lean, pills, coke, booze, shrooms, you name it, dope’s not to hard to find.
  • “I changed my life in order to get ready to have a family and to have a son. I literally changed my life, where I was living, the things that I was doing. I changed. So because of that, when my son came, I was ready,” he said.
  • It’s not exactly a new perspective, and Cole has seen addiction in his life.
  • Especially when many still know so little information about it.

The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time

does j cole do drugs

Dro, weed, loud or whatever your region calls it, it was never taboo to me. It was something I just accepted as an aspect of my culture—and in a lot of ways, it is. Things with Cole can get a bit after-school special, but you have to commend the North Carolina MC for his dedication. As you dive into the new album, here are some things to know going in. Just like his mentor Jay-Z, J. Cole used music as a stepping stone. With a record label, a production company, and his own signature shoe with Puma, it’s no surprise that he made it on the Forbes Hip Hop’s Cash Kings list in 2018.

  • This Chicago born and raised rapper is one of the few artists that has not only represented the genre of hip-hop in a positive light, but has been a model of consistency in both his artform and personal life.
  • In 2019, he congratulated Cardi B after her Grammy win and gave a message to other artists who may feel overlooked.
  • Cole ostracizes rappers who chase money, trends, sex, and drugs.
  • What made it more confusing was that photos and videos were never released, and the cause of the altercation was never confirmed.
  • The vulnerability in his lyrics made other songs like “Breakdown” a favorite track for fans struggling with the same thing.
  • May it be childhood trauma, confidence issues, insecurities, finding the root of the issue is key to face it head on.In my opinion this by far is one of the most relevant albums J.

“Photograph” touches on another type of addiction–social media. When he amphetamine addiction treatment raps the lyrics “Love today’s gone digital, and it’s messing with my health,” he is reflecting on the way people are constantly using social media to feel relevant and make connections. In his younger years, Eminem had a serious pill-popping addiction, something which is generally well-known if you’re a fan of the MC. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he confessed that he’d be taking up to 60 Valium and 30 Vicodin pills per day during the peak of his addiction. In 2007 he experienced a near-fatal methadone overdose.

  • It’s crazy because I was just having a conversation about this with someone the other day.
  • He did a great job with this album and is defiantly one to listen to.
  • Such dogged persistence that makes K.O.D. a magnetizing albeit difficult listen.
  • “BRACKETS” first strays far from the album’s main topics, with J.
  • Many rappers, like Juicy J or Lil Wayne, have made it clear in their music that they love getting fucked up.

In 2019, he impressed fans and NBA players again when he attempted another dunk during a dunk contest. “My goal is to have that be a haven for a family,” Cole explained on The Combat Jack Show in 2015. “So every two years, a new family will come in and live rent-free. The idea is that it’s a single mother with multiple kids … I want her kids to feel how I felt when we got the house.”

Using things so personal to him is very important in spreading his message of drug abuse because he is more persuasive with things being so personal to him. His mother actually wanted him to present her struggling in his music, so people can understand how drugs and alcohol are not the answer. This is an awesome thing because a lot of parents do not get does j cole do drugs into their famous children’s lives about what they put out to the World. Most parents see the money and just let their children put whatever they want out. This show J Cole and his family really care about his lyrics and the music he produces which you do not see a lot of anymore. Cole also lamented our country’s current normalizing of drugs and reflects on the rapper Lil Peep, who’s music Cole was getting “acquainted” with when he passed from a drug overdose.

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does j cole do drugs

“I started off on a military base, and I remember moving — I guess this was after my parents got divorced — from there to a trailer park. It was one of the scariest places I’ve been to, because I was always worried about my mother,” he told NPR. It wasn’t until he was in the fifth grade that Cole’s family moved into the suburbs. As a young biracial kid, seeing both sides of the track left an impression on him. “That’s why I write so many stories from so many different perspectives, because I’ve seen so many,” he explained.

does j cole do drugs

  • His 2015 Forest Hills Drive tour was nothing short of a success.
  • Eminem, Slim Shady, Marshall Mathers, or whatever choose to call him, started off rapping about drugs, and the dark winding roads it can take you down, using harrowing lyrics that were both impressive, and disturbing.
  • However, the theme of addiction becomes blurred with the track “Kevin’s Heart,” but the song still manages to relay a powerful message.
  • He recounted his journey from a young boy to a 35-year-old who made his dreams come true.

Cole’s experiences, but they act as a warning of how easy it is to become a slave to the drugs often glorified in the music industry. Songs like this, as well as “FRIENDS” signal personal changes in the artist’s life. While driving a Bentley and traveling for eight weeks at a time, Jermaine Cole admits that he is uneasy in fame—but seemingly more comfortable in his own skin than ever before. The Vulture feature gets to the turning point which coincides with Cole’s rise from a promising chip in JAY-Z’s Roc Nation roster into one of music’s proven superstars. The very next song, with the same name as the album, is a stark contrast to the introduction. Cole comes flying out the gate with fast-moving bars that serve as an instant reminder that he is on top of his game.